
Since 1969, the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary has had more than 100 graduates from its Master of Divinity program. Graduates of CRTS can be found serving all over the world both as ministers and missionaries, as well as in various other roles within God's kingdom. Some of our alumni have returned to serve CRTS as professors or governors of the Board.  We are grateful for their service and we also look forward to seeing our alumni back on campus when they, and their families, stop by for a visit.

For a full list of alumni, please see here.

For alumni who would like to request a transcript, please see here.

             As I look back on nearly two decades of pastoral ministry, I'm thankful that God led me to study at the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. My teachers were faithful, godly, diligent men, who were great examples to me. I was surrounded by intelligent and engaging, humorous yet serious fellow students, who were committed and eager to serve the body of Christ. The course of study was challenging and rigorous. I am still reaping the benefits of it.
  Theo Lodder, M.Div. 1996